Massage Role-play For A Sexy Date Night

by Jan 7, 2020Massage

Massage Role-play For A Sexy Date Night

Role-playing is acting as if you are someone else. You may have helped a friend rehearse for a blind date, or a job interview. You could play devil’s advocate for an upcoming debate or confrontation. In general it is a good idea for couples to add new ideas to their lovemaking repertoire. Role-playing with the massage therapist – client scenario seems like the perfect one to recommend on a site like ours. This can be a surprise date night event or something you both plan ahead of time. It’s your fantasy… run with it.

It is always beneficial to spice things up in the bedroom. Life can weigh you down. Life and the stress that goes along with it can make it difficult for couples to find the time to be intimate at all, sometimes. Maybe the answer is to take a break from yourselves. Role-playing allows you to escape, be someone else and be with someone else. When you are in a committed, loving and trusting relationship role-playing can take you anywhere you never thought your teenage fantasies would take you. You can be the massage therapist who can finally and legally gives that happy ending!

Remember When You Used To Role-play?

Did you dress up and go out for Halloween as Buzz Lightyear or perhaps Wonder Woman, when you were a child? Maybe you were someone in an easy homemade costume like a doctor or a ghost? It doesn’t matter who you dressed up as when you were a child; the good news is as an adult you can still dress up and role-play. And as a bonus, your reward will be much better than mere candy.

As an adult in an adult relationship role-playing takes the fun to a whole ’nother level. Since it’s just between you and your partner, any anxiety you might initially have about ‘acting’ a part need not be there. Just be yourself. Act out the role as yourself. You don’t even have to dress up in any special costume.

Role-playing Ideas For Newbies

Try using an accent or make up a voice. On The Big Bang Theory, Leonard found Penny in the role of sexy scientist very appealing. Basically all she did was put on a pair of geeky glasses. Your only limitations are your imagination or how you choose to fulfill your role-playing and sexual fantasies.

Penny Saying Molecule With Sexy Glasses

There are many role-playing scenarios to choose from. There’s the doctor – patient. A lot of us played that as kids too… ( shh)! You can choose the photographer – model, the two shipwrecked souls, the prisoner – warden or the (forgive me for mentioning this one), student – teacher. A lot of people have crushes on their teachers.

None of these ideas give cause or pause to think you are being unfaithful to your partner. You are both just playing parts in a play you co-wrote and co-produced. Personally I believe it’s a good idea to steer clear of role-playing ideas that could lead one partner to think you might be interested in someone else in reality. Stick with scenarios that do not involve people or people’s name you two might be friends or acquaintances with.

As a side note, you can go old school too. There is the milkman – housewife scenario or maybe the postman coming to hand over a special delivery he needs to collect COD. Why stop there? Your limited only by your creativity. Would anyone couples want to pick two Game of Thrones characters to role-play? Two Star Trek characters? Perhaps Fred and Daphne or Shaggy and Velma?

The Best Way For Couples To Begin Role-playing

Couples wanting to incorporate role-playing into a date night should take these preliminary steps:

  • Discuss the ground rules. What seemed like a good idea at first might progress into something one partner cannot handle. My first thought would be a scenario that includes cheating.
  • Assign the different roles and set some parameters. Of course the person actively watching our videos and practicing massage will be the therapist but perhaps one of the parameters would include no expectation of intercourse afterwards.
  • Talk about how you feel/felt after it’s all over.

Massage Role-playing

One precautionary word. Alcohol and massage DO NOT mix. Massage gets your blood flowing and you can get drunk off of the amount of alcohol that normally would not get you drunk.

You can go all out and rent a massage table, buy a diffuser, a medical uniform and get some massage oil or you can just keep it simple: use your bed, some baby lotion and a few flame-less candles. Whichever way you plan out your date just have fun with it. Enjoy dating your partner for the first time – again.

If you and your partner were to do some role-playing, what characters would you like to be? Would you stick to therapist and client?

Thank you for reading. Now go forth and rub on your loved one.


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