Model For Us


We Are Looking For Female Models 18+

Living In The Philadelphia Tri-State Area?

 Female Models Needed!

When most people think of models they picture Hollywood or Wall Street’s version of what they want us to believe is a beautiful person.
Someone who is tall, thin, and has a face full of makeup.

Well, Rub HER The Right Way is about everyday beautiful people. We believe God made everyone beautiful. And because we are about romance for you and your partner we know everyone’s partner doesn’t fit the Hollywood image. Confidentially from what I have seen watching YouTube videos about massage, your partner probably doesn’t fit the YouTube mold (mostly Caucasian or Asian, very thin with big breasts).

We want everyone who watches our channel to be able to see someone who looks just like their partner. Someone they can connect with and see first hand how it would be to massage that body type. And it is for that very reason that we want models

  • At least 18 years old and over
  • All body types
  • All Nationalities
  • All Ethnicities
  • Especially Women of Color!

Sometime in the near future we will also be looking for male models over the age of 18 but at the present time our research has shown that the majority of people on YouTube watching massage videos are men watching females.

Massage Model Contact Form


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